Monday, September 30, 2019

A Worn Path Critical Analysis Essay

â€Å"How old are you Granny? † he was saying. â€Å"There is no telling mister,† she said, â€Å"no telling. † â€Å"Well, Granny,† he said, â€Å"You must be a hundred years old and scared of nothing (216-217). † Granny is an old woman; described as â€Å"being so old that her skin was as if she had a tree in the middle of her forehead with numberless branching wrinkles (213). † Phoenix Jackson is her name. She is an African American woman, very old, withered and frail. Phoenix is the protagonist in Eudora Welty’s story â€Å"A Worn Path. Throughout time, people have gone on their own journeys, traveling rocky roads, climbing mountains while overcoming obstacles along the way; while grasping on to hope to strengthen each step they take. This short story begins in southern Mississippi, likely in the early 1900’s. It is a cold December morning, the earth still frozen; and once again Phoenix will begin her long journey through the thick pine woods. Despite the odds that are against her, Phoenix’s determination and undying love for her grandson will carry her the many miles she has to travel. What are the odds that are against Phoenix? See more:how to write a critical analysis outline What obstacles does Phoenix have to overcome? What is her destination? The greatest odd that stands against Phoenix is her age. She is very old and tired. On her journey she must walk over a hill, when she reaches the top she says, â€Å"Seem like there is chains about my feet, time I get this far (214). † Despite her age, Phoenix still exists, because she has a purpose. She is able to conquer all because of the love she has for her grandson. Phoenix knows that it is up to her to walk to town to retrieve the medicine he needs to live. She is all he has, he depends on her. The strength she receives Lewis2 feeds off of the love she has for him. Phoenix endured many obstacles on her journey to town. One of the biggest obstacles she has to overcome is a wild dog. The wild dog appears and causes Phoenix to fall down. She is not able to get up, so she talks to herself, â€Å"That black dog comes up out of those woods to stall you off (216). † She is telling herself this because it helps her to be strong as if she is thinking your not going to let this dog deter you, are you? Now, along comes the second obstacle. A hunter appears with his dog. He is a white man. Even though he is a God send and saves her; he is a racist and bully. He tells her she needs to go home where she will be safe. She tells him no! She is on her way to town, and she is not stopping until she gets there. Then he tries to intimidate Phoenix by pointing a gun right in her face and asking her if it scares her with an arrogant smirk on his face. She stands up to him, stares him straight in the eyes and tells him she is not scared of it or him and has seen many guns in worse situations. During this time he drops a nickel; Phoenix sneakily picks it up and puts it in her pocket. As he walks away she says to herself, â€Å"God watching me the whole time. I come to stealing (217). † Even though she knows stealing is wrong, she feels that God will pardon her and this time it is justifiable due to the humiliation he put her through. Once again for the sake of her grandson she finds the inner strength she needs to continue on. She finally arrives to the town of Natchez and went straight to the Dr. ’s office. She was so tired now that she was depending solely on her feet to guide her and take her up the flights of stairs that stood before her and to the correct office; where she faces yet Lewis3 another obstacle. Now, standing in the office, when the receptionist asks for her name, her mind goes blank. The receptionist starts making racial slurs, â€Å"A charity case I suppose (218). † It wasn’t until the nurse who knew Phoenix came out and refreshed her memory that she finally remembered why she was there. She is overwhelmed by guilt, wondering how she could forget her grandson, her life, her purpose. She begins reflecting her life as if she is trying to find a justifiable reason for forgetting about him. She blames this on the fact that she is uneducated. She makes a vow with herself never to forget her grandson again. The receptionist who seemed very cold in the beginning now finds within herself compassion towards Phoenix and offers to give her a few pennies. Even though Phoenix is uneducated she lets her know five pennies make a nickel, with that, the receptionist gives her a nickel. Phoenix is happy, she now knows that the nickel along with the nickel she took from the hunter is enough money to buy her grandson a Christmas present. This replenishes her soul and spirit to begin her long journey on the path back home. For whatever reason, Phoenix is the only one in the world her grandson has to care for him. This is her purpose in life. She has traveled down this path at least two or three years to get his medicine. She also knows that when she leaves him, he is all by himself until she returns. There is nothing a good grandmother would not do for the sake of her grandchild. This is enough purpose to give Phoenix the endurance she needs to go on. This story shows us that love can conquer all things.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Priceline Business Model

Priceline Business Model The core components of Priceline’s business model are based around their pioneered and patented reverse auction pricing model which is a unique offering within the travel market place. This innovative model allows consumers to purchase travel services at a discounted prices by trading off brand and features. Priceline uses a business model known as brokerage model where a business creates their own market by bringing buyers and sellers together. Priceline operate as the middle man or broker bringing the two parties together in a seamless and friendly manner. Revenue is earned based on the difference between the â€Å"Name your own price† amount entered by the customer and the amount charged by the service provider such as the airline. A more traditional travel agency model is also used by them offering a list of prices the customer can choose from and in this case Priceline receives a commission/agents fee. Is the Priceline Model a sustainable one? ?During Priceline’s early start up days they experimented with variations of its business model by offering groceries and gasoline, which initially had negative impacts on profitability. However Priceline’s management was able to adapt and focus their model so that it started producing significant returns. ?Priceline improved from a $1 billion loss to a profit of over $10 million between the years of 1999 to 2003. Since 2003 Priceline has continued to be profitable and grow, increasing its stock price over 27 times from its lowest to slightly under $200 USD in 2010 and is now sporting a market valuation of $8. 8 billion. ? Additionally Priceline announced a ground breaking hotel price guarantee that pays customers a nominal reward if they find a lower price than the one offered by Priceline. ?As part of their expansion and growth they recently acquired the multinational car hire reservation service TravelJigsaw to provide more their value added services to their customers. Although the travel industry is saturated and has ever increasing competition, the population of the internet and those willing to buy goods and services over the web also continues to grow. Priceline Model- Changes Priceline has changed its business model since 2007 focusing more on traditional online reservation services. Customers have the flexibility to select from brand and features rather than their more restrictive an d discount â€Å"Name your own price† model. The Priceline website is now organized much like those of its competitors. Customers can still choose to bid, but this is no longer the only option. Value for money remains high, strengthened by elimination of booking fees, while service quality has improved. Priceline also continues to strive towards providing customers with a superior user-friendly service such as the launch in Jan 2009 of a The Travel Ekspert blog providing advice to consumers and also offering over 2. 5 million hotel reviews (PhoCusWright)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement

In negotiation theory, the best alternative to a negotiated agreement or BATNA is the course of action that will be taken by a party if the current negotiations fail and an agreement cannot be reached. BATNA is the key focus and the driving force behind a successful negotiator. A party should generally not accept a worse resolution than its BATNA. Care should be taken, however, to ensure that deals are accurately valued, taking into account all considerations, such as relationship value, time value of money and the likelihood that the other party will live up to their side of the bargain.These other considerations are often difficult to value, since they are frequently based on uncertain or qualitative considerations, rather than easily measurable and quantifiable factors. The BATNA is often seen by negotiators not as a safety net, but rather as a point of leverage in negotiations. Although a negotiator's alternative options should, in theory, be straightforward to evaluate, the effo rt to understand which alternative represents a party's BATNA is often not invested.Options need to be real and actionable to be of value,[1] however without the investment of time, options will frequently be included that fail on one of these criteria. [citation needed] Most managers overestimate their BATNA whilst simultaneously investing too little time into researching their real options. [citation needed] This can result in poor or faulty decision making and negotiating outcomes. Negotiatiors also need to be aware of the other negotiator's BATNA and to identify how it compares to what they are offering. 2] BATNA was developed by negotiation researchers Roger Fisher and William Ury of the Harvard Program on Negotiation (PON), in their series of books on Principled negotiation that started with Getting to YES, unwittingly duplicating a game theory concept pioneered by Nobel Laureate John Forbes Nash decades earlier in his early undergraduate research. [citation needed] Contents [ hide] 1 Definitions 2 Examples 2. 1 Selling a car 2. 2 Purchasing 3 See also 4 References 5 External links [edit]Definitions BATNA An acronym defined by negotiation researches Roger Fisher and William Ury which means Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. 3] It is the alternative action that will be taken if your proposed agreement with another party result in an unsatisfactory agreement or when an agreement cannot be reached. Historical Theories The Nash Equilibrium as developed by John Forbes Nash, the father of Game Theory, is described in Getting to YES[3] as the underlying idea for the concept of BATNA in negotiation (Roger B. Myerson, April 1996). [4] In a nutshell, Nash Equilibrium theory explains that, if in a group of players, each player has in consideration the other player’s decisions, then no one will benefit from altering their decisions, if the other players haven’t either. 5] Example of Nash Equilibrium Theory Amy and Phil are in Nash Equilibrium i f Amy is making the best decision she can, taking into account Phil's decision, and Phil is making the best decision he can, taking into account Amy's decision. Likewise, a group of players are in Nash Equilibrium if each one is making the best decision that he or she can, taking into account the decisions of the others. We cannot think of BATNA without first understanding the notion of negotiation. Negotiation has been part of the â€Å"business† mentality of human beings as we know it, since the beginning of mankind.Take for example the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, one of the longest ongoing negotiations of the kind, based primarily on the dispute over land (UN, 1948). We negotiate every single day of our lives; whether it is goods, commodities, ideas, positions, or money. The list could be endless. For this reason knowing how to negotiate is very important. The idea is to have all parties mutually satisfied with the results achieved through the highest standards of (Ethic s) and legitimate standards.In no other time of world history as the modern days, has the ability and the necessity of knowing how to negotiate, using sophisticated tools and civil discourse been so essential to society. As explained in Getting to YES, â€Å"We are each participants in a pioneering generation of negotiators†¦ it is central to human life and the survival of our species. â€Å"[3] Negotiations Concepts Leading to Good BATNA A ruthless, aggressive and cold blooded negotiation style is the framework approach most people have when it comes to negotiation,[6] a theoretical example of that is Adversarial Approach Style Negotiation. 6] But in reality, as mentioned by experts and researchers such as Fisher and Ury [3] it doesn’t have to be that way. As the world moves to more sophisticated platforms of communication, negotiation follows the trend and Problem-Solving Approach(citation) is in a way, the â€Å"antidote† of Adversarial Approach Style Negotia tion. Getting to YES[3] suggest an Interest-Based Model for the use of Problem-Solving Approach. Interest-Based Model focus on separating the person (positional) from the problems (resolution) and then concentrate on the resolution.This way allowing for both parties in a distributive way to get the results they both want. ABC's of BATNA Having a BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) as part of the negotiation is imperative as the name explains. No one should come to the negotiation table without a BATNA. [7] This will allow for intelligent negotiation and bargain zones. In addition to having a BATNA, parties should have a Bottom Line or Reservation Price. What this prevents is that neither party will come out with agreements they don’t need[3] Often, parties go to the negotiation table with what they imagine is a great BATNA.For example, how many times have you walked into a job interview with no other solid job offers in hand, let alone perspective of solid sala ries, benefits and other great things you are looking for in a job. [3] The ability to be in a powerful position so the negotiation can be intelligent and satisfactory to both parties requires preparation and research. So do not cut yourself short for the lack of having a better BATNA at all times. [3] If having a good BATNA in essential, developing a BATNA is equally important. Let’s assume that you are going to work for a company that is not offering you the salary you desire.Instead, you know that they offer other perks such as, company cars, luxurious vacation homes, and state-of-the-art computers and laptops to their employees. In other words, Alternatives. [3] Attractive Alternatives is what you want to explore in order to develop a very strong BATNA. In Getting to YES, the authors give 3 suggestions of how you can accomplish this: Inventing a list of actions you might take if no agreement is reached Converting some of the more promising ideas and transforming them into tangible and partial alternatives Selecting the alternative that sounds bestBATNA rules Parties should never disclose their BATNA, unless, the alternative is better. In other words, if your best alternative to a negotiated agreement is better than what the other party is offering, then disclosing it, is to your advantage. If on the other hand it is worse, then do not disclose it. BATNA in Cross Cultural Frameworks Currently in the United States and due to recent world events, there are more and more individuals with a different cultural background and approach to negotiation.When individuals come to the negotiation and bargaining table ready to use their BATNA, and one of the parties is from a different culture, there is a tremendous game change in approach. Both parties need to think and account for cultural cognitive behaviors. Both parties must expand their thinking negotiation hats by not allowing external judgment and biases to affect the negotiation. As mentioned earlier, sep arate the individual from the objective[3] For example imagine you are negotiating with a party from an Arab Nation. Is this going to effect your view of how you are going to negotiate?Or even if you are the party from that nation, are you prepared to receive an offer lower than your BATNA because you know you are from a different culture. The previous is a very simple example, but the purpose here as Gulliver[8] mentioned, is for negotiation parties to be aware. Disclosure This is a very new topic in negotiation and there aren’t many frameworks in place to help this scenario. Nonetheless, preparation at all levels, including prejudicial free thoughts, emotional free behavior, biases free behavior are just a few ways according to the Handbook of Negotiations and Culture[9] that can helps in the right direction. edit]Examples The following examples illustrate the basic principles of identifying the BATNA and how to use it in further negotiations to help value other offers. [ed it]Selling a car If the seller of a car has a written offer from a dealership to buy the seller's car for $1,000, then the seller's BATNA when dealing with other potential purchasers would be $1,000 since the seller can get $1,000 for the car even without reaching an agreement with an alternative purchaser. In this example, other offers that illustrate the difficulty of valuing qualitative factors might include: An offer of $900 by a close relativeAn offer of $1,100 in 45 days (what are the chances of this future commitment falling through, and would the seller's prior BATNA (the $1,000 offer from the dealership) still be available if it did? ) An offer from another dealer to offset $1,500 against the price of a new car (does the seller want to buy a new car right now, and the offered car in particular? ) [edit]Purchasing Buyers are often able to leverage their BATNA with regards to prices. This is done through buying from the lowest cost or best value seller. [edit]See also Getting to YES Getting past No Conflict resolution researchAlternative Dispute Resolution in a Nutshell [edit]References ^ Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement | Negotiation Experts ^ Negotiation, Readings, Exercises and Cases, Roy J. Lewicki ^ a b c d e f g h i j Fisher and Ury, Roger and William (2011). Getting to YES. Penguin Books. pp. 1–170. ISBN 978-0143118756. ^ Myerson, Roger B. â€Å"Nash Equilibrium and the History of Economic Theory†. Nash Equilibrium and the History of Economic Theory. Journal of Economic Literature. Retrieved 1 October 2012. ^ Hawkins and Steiner, Jeff and Neil. â€Å"The Nash Equilibrium Meets Batna†.Gamed Therory Varied Ueses in ADR. Harvard University Press. Retrieved 1 October 2012. ^ a b Nolan-Haley, Jaqueline M (2001). Alternative Dipute Resolution in a Nutshel. Thomson West. pp. 39–50. ISBN ISBN 978-0314180148. ^ Honeyman and Schneider, Andrea and Chistopher (2006). The Negotiators Fieldbook: Desktop Reference. American Bar Association. pp. 200–300. ISBN 978-1590315453. ^ Gulliver, P. H (1979). Disputes and Negotiation: A Cross Culture Perspective. Academic Press. p. 287. ^ Brett and Gelfand, Jeanne and Michael (2004). The Handbook of Negotiations and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Autobiography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Autobiography - Essay Example She taught me that people like practical gifts and one should always try to make others happy. My parents were very protective and this gave me less freedom to think of my own. Till my 20s I was under the protection of my parents and had no freedom to make decisions on my own. My father was a jovial man but he was extremely disciplined in his lifestyle. He wanted things in order and demanded the same from us. He was strict and we respected him and looked upon to his ideas and principles. My dad is a person who craved to spend time with us and care for us. I had a happy and pleasant childhood. I was a shy child in early years and got along well with my sisters and brothers. We used to spend most of the time playing games and going to school together and studying in a group. I was more close to my sisters than my brother as he was much younger than us. But we were extremely happy when he was born, as all of us were girls and there was no boy in our family. We were proud to welcome him and took great care of him as our baby brother. I had a happy childhood and had no complaints on it. We as a family often go on vacations and holidays and the memory of the same still remain in my mind. The most refreshing memory was that of the childhood summer vacation to beach in Morocco. I did my high schooling to elementary in Morocco and math was my favorite subject. High school was eventful and very exciting. During my studies I met my best friend who later became part of my family. I did my two year studies in Hassan University with chemistry and physics as main subject. I had to drop my studies due to financial problem and moved to U.S. in 1990s. My significant event was coming to USA in early 1990’s.I met my husband in 1994 and got married in 1996. He was a kind and funny person, but after few years of marriage we became more of friends than husband and wife and divorced in 2003. I always

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Journals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Journals - Essay Example Once arrested in 2000, his computer using rights were severely restricted and he was denied access to the Internet. Mafiaboy's motivation was nothing but entertainment for himself and a proof of his capability. The authorities later found that he didn't even have the genius skills that other hackers possess. But he was someone who wanted to prove to himself that he could pull off something major. Crime hurts society and while in some rare cases motivation for crime may find ethical justification, in most cases the societal and economic damage far outweigh any ethical justification. In this case for example the boy slowed down the website which is accessed by millions around the world every second. The website contains vital information on world affairs and by denying people a right to access the website in a timely fashion, this boy caused economic as well as societal damage with loss of time and money. It is amazing that in most computer crime cases, system managers fail to detect the crime because of their subtleness. A third-party or the offender normally reports these crimes. It is very likel y that the same thing happened with this case as well where users reported the slow respond they received when accessing the site instead of the system managers detecting it.

Entrepreneurial Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Entrepreneurial Leadership - Essay Example Case (2010) identifies three P’s (people, passion and perseverance) as the key ingredients of a successful entrepreneurship. He said that the presence or absence of the three P’s in the right mix can lead to success or failure as an entrepreneur. His successful steering of AOL has been contributed to these 3 P’s by him (Case, 2010). However, the failure of merger of AOL with Time Warner was a result of incorrect focus on the 3 P’s. The merger resulted in cultural clash of employees and hence they were focused on their personal issues rather than the innovations. The passion that was earlier present in AOL employees was lost in the huge merged enterprise and finally perseverance was hit hard because people lost their belief in internet and they stopped investing in innovation. Another thing lacking in the deal was â€Å"vision execution†. A great idea rebounded because the 3 P’s were not rightly focused on â€Å"executing† the vision (C ase, 2010). Kouzes (2008) talks about five leadership practices which help in motivating people to perform at their best. Thus, he also focused on people and showed how great leaders inspire them to arouse perseverance and passion in them. The five principles are – having a clear vision of what is required so that the employees understand what is expected of them and they move accordingly, setting example by doing what is being preached, challenging the current state of affairs as status quo never inspires people to perform at their best, enabling others to act in line with the vision by understanding the motivation factors of a team or individual and encouraging the heart by rewarding exemplary performance (Kouzes, 2008). Drucker (2007) distinguishes between entrepreneurial strategies and entrepreneurial management. The first strategy is that of being seen as the undisputed leader in the market. Strategies are for external markets and can be used alone or in combination with others. It is the riskiest but pays the most if successful. This is what AOL tried to do by merging with Time Warner. Other strategies involve â€Å"creative imitation†, â€Å"entrepreneurial judo† and finding a specialized â€Å"ecological niche† (Drucker, 2007). This gives rise to entrepreneurial leadership where leaders operate in dynamic market conditions and transform the inconsistency and dynamic character of the market into opportunities (Tarabishy, Fernald and Solomon,). He is capable of using different strategies or a combination of them to establish his product/ service or company in the current environment. The entrepreneurial leader should have a clear vision, communicate it well and then help his people execute it. Types of organizations and leadership styles Organizations can be classified into different types depending on their size, culture, decision making authority and design etc. An organization which follows top-down communication, has very rigid rules, is bureaucratic in authority and has very narrowly defined tasks is called a â€Å"Mechanist Organization† (Kinicki, 2007). On the other hand an â€Å"Organic Organization† is flexible, with open communication networks, flat hierarchical structure and employees who perform variety of tasks and not just the specific ones (Kinicki, 2007). Decision making in such organizations is de-centralized and middle and lower level managers have more control over various decisions. For transformational leaders, an organic organization is best

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Site Distance Equation for Crest Vertical Curves Research Paper

Site Distance Equation for Crest Vertical Curves - Research Paper Example The elevation of various points of the curve gives the relative difference in the level at different points on the curve. Also shown in the figure are length of the curve, start of the curve and also the end of the curve. To provide easy movement of vehicles and also to smooth out the vertical profile the vertical curves are introduced at the intersection of the grades. Usually two type of vertical curves are used in the geometric design of roads. They are crest curves or summit curves and sag curves or valley curves. The crest curves have the convexity upwards and when a fast moving vehicle travels along the curve, upward action of the centrifugal force against the gravity and would relieve a part of the pressure on the tyres. This phenomenon would eliminate the discomfort experienced by the passengers wouldn't feel the discomfort while passing over these curves (Garber and Hoel, 2001). The process of aligning the vertical curves along the road is influenced by various factors like the vehicle speed, acceleration, stopping sight distance and comfort in travel (Wright and Dixon, 2004). The design of the summit curve is governed only by sight distance considerations. Though the circular crest curve is an ideal choice as the sight distance available throughout the length of a circular curve is constant most of the designs prefer parabolic curve. This is because the deviation angles in the vertical curves of highways are very small and between the same tangent points a simple parabola is congruent with a circular arc. In addition, easiness in computation of the ordinates besides the better rising comfort given by crest curves gives preference to parabolic curves (DRMB, 1993). When the parabolic crest curves are adopted the equation is given as y=ax2 , where a = N /2L. The N in the equation is the deviation angle and L is the length of the curve. Since the crest curves are long and flat , the length of the curve L is taken as equal to the horizontal projection. During the process of the design of the parabolic crest curves it is necessary to consider the stopping sigh t distance and overtaking sight distance separately. As indicated earlier, it is essential to provide sight distances atleast equal to the stopping distances at all points on the highways to avoid the accidents due to inadequate sight distance (Garber and Hoel, 2001). Figure 2 : The length of the crest curve is greater than the stopping side distance Length of the summit curves for stopping side distance. The two situations that need to be considered in the determination of length of the curve for stopping side distance (SSD) are (i) When the length of the curve is greater than the side distance (L > SSD) and (ii) When length of the curve is less than the side distance (L For L > SSD (Figure 2), the length of the vertical crest curve is given as ------------------ (1) Where, L is the length of the vertical crest curve in metre, S is the stopping side distance in metre, N is the deviation angle which is equal to algebraic difference in grades, radians or tangent of the deviation angle, H is the height of the eye level of the driver above the road surface in metre, h is the height of the object above the pavement surface in metre. The value of H

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis - Essay Example Examples of these contradictory human traits abound throughout the novel. George believed in material possessions as definitions of his worth, but his discontent with them is evident thus: He hadn't even any satisfaction in the new water cooler! And it was the very best of water coolers,..(p. 26 Chp. 3). His weakness regarding attempts to stop smoking is frequently portrayed, with little plans to thwart himself, such as locking his cigars in a filing cabinet and hiding the key, and his many promises to quit. After his Maine vacation, he had to leave the train to buy a cigar, then later our days later, he again remembered that he had stopped smoking, but he was too busy catching up with his office work to keep it remembered.(p. 116 Chp. 12) When he found himself accepted as a good orator, at the real estate convention, he was full of bombastic pride, but also a simple pleasure in having his ability so recognized. guess some of the folks on Floral Heights will sit up and take notice now, pay a little attention to old Georgie!(p.128 Chp. 13) There is much endearing boyishness in his enthusiasms and frequent attempts to improve in many areas of his life. His continuing success as an orator has something sadly nostalgic about it, as Babbitt harks back to his unfulfilled desire to have been a lawyer. His snobbery and social climbing were evident when, after the alumni reunion, he and Mrs. Babbitt gave a disastrous dinner party for the rich McKelveys. He rationalized the fact that these people would not be their friends by telling his wife ut I like to have a chance to visit with you and the children instead of all this idiotic chasing around.(p. 152 Chp. 15). hey did not speak of the McKelveys again.and these words were applied to the Overbrooks, whom the Babbitts considered beneath them, again after an awkward dinner. Both instances demonstrated the good and bad in Babbitt's character and values. Love and loyalty were shown where Paul Reisling was concerned. Babbitt defended his friend, managed a week of freedom for him from his nagging wife, Zilla and rushed to the prison after Paul shot her. 'm not going to be moral, I just want to do anything I can.(p. 204, Chp. 22) He even offered to perjure himself to get Paul his freedom. With his family, although he found them hard to tolerate, Babbitt showed concern always for their well-being and futures. He spent time with Tinka and Myra and never ignored Ted or Verona, despite their annoying him. When he changed radically in his attempts to break away from his conventional life, he seemed to embrace all that was opposite to his previous character, drinking, dancing, having the affair, and criticizing his old friends. But he showed kindness, loyalty and love when Myra got sick, and returned to being the character first portrayed at the beginning of the novel. There was a depth of self-awareness in the handling of Ted's youthful marriage and desire to leave university. His reactions and advice to his son showed him as an empathetic and even likable character, despite what is known about him. 've never done a single thing I've wanted to in my whole life! I don't know's I've accomplished anything except just get along....Take your factory job if you want to...Don't be scared...of yourself, like I've been. Go ahead old man! The world is yours!(p. 305 Chp. 34) In

Monday, September 23, 2019

Landscape and map Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Landscape and map - Essay Example It does not display all the details of objects on the ground, it only shows and outlines of such objects. They both give information of a particular area (Meinig 33-48). A landscape and map are similar in that they display a representation, or rather they are both presented on a piece of paper or board, they are both visual representation (Berger 7-11). They are used to summarize information for easy and quick reference. Moreover, maps and the landscapes might be used by planners to plan specific areas properly. Maps and landscapes are different in that the maps are used and made for different purposes unlike the landscape which their purpose is to represent visible features of an area or land (Kaplan & White 69). A map generally displays only those geographies required for a specific location. Additionally, maps show much information unlike the landscape that shows only the details of the restricted area. Travellers use maps to find their way whereas a landscape gives the travellers the overview on an area. Maps can calculate the distance from one place to another while as the landscapes only shows the general view. Maps are used to locate places on the earth surface. Maps also can be used to compare the sizes and the shapes of different lands and water masses. The maps provide detailed information about an area while as a landscape just hints on the background (Tyner 6). However, a landscape helps improve the aesthetic appearance of the field by planting shrubs or trees, changing the land s contours or adding ornamental features. A landscape process can be defined as a process that occurs in a spatial domain (p. 69). The landscape process is primarily propagated across the land surface. It not only serves to structure but also, it is influenced by the spatial structure of the ecosystems; and whose impact on the spatial pattern is dependent to a degree upon the landscape structure is either greater or lesser (Kaplan & White

Sunday, September 22, 2019

American Indians and Free

American Indians and Freedom Essay American Indians have striven for freedom ceaselessly since the colonization in 1800s. But for different American Indians, the definitions of freedom vary a lot. For the chief Seattle, the writer of AUTHENTIC TEXT OF CHIEF SEATTLE’S TREATY ORATION 1854, the freedom means the rights to live with the nature harmoniously and to keep their religion and traditions. For Carlos Montezuma, the writer of Let My People Go, the definition of freedom is very absolute and stems from political rights. His freedom means the rights of managing the stuffs of American Indians totally without the control of white man. From my point of view, the definition of freedom to American Indians is more close to its political definition because the rights of protecting the holy nature will not be given if they lose the political rights. But I argue that the real freedom does not mean the absolute free. Moreover, the chief Seattle and Carlos Montezuma differ in the issue about whether American Indians should accept the management of colonists. For the chief Seattle, he thinks him and his people can accept the management of colonists on the condition that the colonists will not destroy their holy nature. For Carlos Montezuma, he asks the colonists not to interfere the issue of American Indians because the corrupt management of the colonists. I think that American Indians can accept the management of the colonists if they can own enough political rights. The best way is to contend for a democracy system and government for American Indians rather than just asking for leaving the control of the colonists. It is obvious that the two writers own quite different understandings when they face with the same wordfreedom, as I mentioned at the beginning. The writer of AUTHENTIC TEXT OF CHIEF SEATTLE’S TREATY ORATION 1854 shows deep love to his ancestors and the things his ancestors leave for them. He uses â€Å"sacred† to describe its ancestors and â€Å"hallowed ground†, â€Å"verdant valleys†, â€Å"murmuring rivers† and so on to describe his living environment. Also, the writer thinks that their religion is â€Å"the Great Spirit† and gives them in â€Å"solemn hours of the night. † Yet, in the perspectives of these American Indians, the colonists refuse to accept and respect the holy nature and ancestors of Africa Americans. The writer writes, â€Å"Your God is not our God! Your God loves your people and hates mine! † The quote indicates that American Indians in Seattle fear deeply that the colonial rule will ruin their living environment, religion and traditions. Hence, for the writer, their freedom means the respect of their culture. Nevertheless, Carlos Montezuma, the writer of â€Å"Let My People Go†, asks for totally different freedom. He writes, â€Å"The Indian Bureau is the only obstacle that stands in the way that hinders our people’s freedom. †, â€Å"†¦when the Indians will need the most help in this world , †¦ the Indian. Bureau will cease to exist†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and â€Å"the Indian employees in the Indian Service; their personality is destroyed†¦they have nothing to say. † These quote express the strong willing of American Indians to escape from the control of White Americans because of the corruption of Indian Bureau. So, the definition of freedom to Carlos Montezuma is the rights to express their own willing and achieve more political rights. I quite agree with Carlos Montezuma because he wants to ask for more political rights. Even if the Big Chief at Washington promised that the new colonists will respect the culture of the American Indians in Seattle, he can easily renege on the promise without the political rights or the protection of the law. On the other hand, the chief Seattle and Carlos Montezuma own different attitudes towards the issue about the management of white American. Carlos Montezuma hastily wants to abolish the Indian Bureau system rather than improve the system. Carlos Montezuma writes, â€Å"The Indian Bureau system is wrong. The only way to adjust wrong is to abolish it, and the only reform is to let my people go. † The quote expresses the urgent willing of Carlos Montezuma to stop the run of the wrong system. He owns the opinion to escape the control of White Americans. However, I think that American Indians can accept the management of colonists only if the colonists launch laws to protect the American Indians and give them enough political rights. The opinion of stopping the run of the system is too arbitrary and naive. It is highly possible that a ruder way to manage the American Indians created after the abolition of the old system. Carlos Montezuma cannot accept the management of White Americans at all. But the chief Seattle’s requirements related to the acceptance of the White Americans’ management perhaps is without much consideration. The chief Seattle writes, â€Å"But should we accept it, I here and now make this condition that we will not be denied the privilege without molestation of visiting at any time the tombs of our ancestors, friends, and children. † The quote has implication that the chief Seattle will accept the colonial rule on the condition that the colonists will not hurt their ancestors, friends and children. And in the same paragraph, the writer emphasizes the importance to protect their holly hillsides, valleys, plains and so on again. I argue that his thoughts and requirements are too premature and primitive. These are the basic rights for human beings. Even these rights are promised to give these American Indiana, they are still far away from freedom, as I regard it. Therefore, the real freedom cannot be achieved either by abolishing a wrong system and totally losing control or by asking for so limited rights and show kindness or obedience to the colonists. Of course, freedom definitely is not what the Chief Seattle thinks. He views freedom as the rights on the foundation of compromise and only asks for poor limited rights. Besides, for me, freedom also is not absolute like Carlos Montezuma thinks. It does not mean you can do what you want without others’ management and totally losing control. Freedom means you can own all the proper political rights under the protection of an impartial system or laws. The most significant issue for the real freedom is to create a right system or laws to protect the rights legally for these American Indians. No matter the chief Seattle or Carlos Montezuma, they both lack in the consciousness to create a right system or laws to protect themselves. If this kind of thing can be done, the existence of India Bureau or the colonial rule of White Americans does not matter to them at all. For this reason, it is so vital for American Indians and also other races to force the society to create a more and more impartial system ceaselessly. Works Cited Carlos Montezuma, â€Å"Let My People Go†: An Address delivered at the conference of the Society of American Indians in Lawrence, Kansas, N. p : n. p ,1915 Dr. Henry A. Smith, AUTHENTIC TEXT OF CHIEF SEATTLE’S TREATY ORATION 1854, N. p : n. p ,1887.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Effect of Various Factors on DNA of Human Sperms

Effect of Various Factors on DNA of Human Sperms In vitro study of the effect of various factors on DNA of Human sperms Dave Avani1, Jain NK1, Patel Himanshu 2, Patel Madhuri 2, Bhatt Vidisha 2, Patel Komal2, Mallick Sarada3, *Srivastava Pradeep 3 Abstract Aim: Effect of various clinical compound and environmental conditions were studied for the in vitro fragmentation of the human sperm DNA, as well on the quality of semen samples. Method: The semen samples obtained from different males were then treated further to check the effects of the chemicals taken into consideration. The effects were studied through sperm chromatin dispersion test. Results: Primary results showed that the antibiotic tetracycline was the most effective chemical causing DNA damage, as compared to the other chosen compounds. Conclusion: The study concludes that the tetracycline drug is more efficient then the others in causing fragmentation of the DNA. Keywords: Sperm DNA, Fragmentation, Tetracycline, Sperm Chromatin Dispersion Test. INTRODUCTION The germ line is the most sensitive of all and can be considered as a good candidate for the measurement of the effects caused by the compounds of choice [1-4]. Today infertility is linked to many reasons such as mutation in the sperms or the egg, irradiation, and certain chemicals such as food additives, packaging materials, heat etc. Many articles have been put forward proving the adverse effects of these chemicals on the germ line especially the sperms and its DNA. The paternal genome in mammalian spermatozoa is condensed in a manner that is specific to the cell type presumably to protect the DNA during the transit from the male to the oocyte prior to fertilization. Damaged DNA has been observed in testicular, epididymal and ejaculated sperm. Temporary nicks have been observed in the sperm which were, linked to the topoisomerases activity, facilitate histone-protamine replacement, but if these nicks are not fixed they would evolve into DNA fragmentation on mature sperm [5]. Bisphenol A (BPA) used to make plastics and epoxy resins mainly comes through diet is an organic compound with the chemical formula (CH3)2C(C6H4OH)2[6-8]. It is part of the bisphenols group of chemical compounds with two hydroxyphenyl functionalities. It is a colourless solid that is soluble in organic solvents, but poorly soluble in water. Many studies also have shown that BPA has estrogenic activity in several in vitro and in vivo preparations [8-10]. Monosodium glutamate, also known as sodium glutamate or MSG, is the sodium salt of glutamic acid, one of the most abundant naturally occurring non-essential amino acids[11-13]. Industrial food manufacturers market and use MSG as a flavour enhancer because it balances, blends and rounds the total perception of other tastes. Many experiments have been carried out which have shown the harmful effects of excessive intake of MSG on the development of seminiferous tubules as well as the spermatids[14-15]. The tetracyclines are a family of antibiotics that inhibit protein synthesis by preventing the attachment of aminoacyl-tRNA to the ribosomal acceptor (A) site. Tetracyclines are broad-spectrum agents, exhibiting activity against a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, a typical organisms commonly given in treatment[10, 16].Many studies in the past indicated that when rats were administered a significant amount of Tetracycline on daily basis the animals showed a decreased level of testosterone ultimately affecting the development of the leydig cell. No direct relationship has been observed till date on changes in the humans but many studies are being carried out to study the detrimental effects of tetracycline on human sperm cells and its DNA[17] (fig.1). Fig.1.Molecular structure of compounds: a) Molecular structure of Bisphenol A, b) Molecular structure of Monosodium Glutamate c) Molecular structure of Tetracycline. MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials Sample analysis was done for the healthy men between the ages 25-30 yrs. The inclusion criteria were only healthy men with the age between 25-30 yrs considered. On the hand exclusion criteria of the male were they should free from various diseases like Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Tuberculosis, Sexual Dysfunction Cardiac problems. The samples collected from Stem Cure Pvt Ltd, Centre for Reproductive Medicine Stem cell Development, Ahmedabad, India. The study approved by the Ethical Committee of the Department of Life Sciences, School of Sciences, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat (India). Sample preparation: 10 semen samples of perfectly healthy male were collected at a collection centre in a sterile jar and were brought to the laboratory. Direct swim-up technique was utilised for preparing the sperm cells for the analysis[18]. The sperm debris including the dead sperm cells was removed prior using by centrifuging the sample in a Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) medium at 1000 rpm for 10 minutes[19]. The sperm pellet obtained was overlaid with PBS and incubated at 37oC and the supernatant containing the motile sperms were used for the assay. Effect of heat was comparing with normal cells discussed later in the discussion section. Chemicals: Bisphenol A (BPA), Tetracycline, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) , concentrated HCl, 0.4M Tris, 1% ÃŽ ² mercaptoethanol, 50mM EDTA, 1% SDS (sodium dodecyl sulphate), pH 7.5 was used for making Lysis I, 0.4M Tris, 2M NaCl, 1% SDS, pH 7.5 was used for making Lysis II[20], 0.09M Tris borate, 0.002M EDTA, pH 7.5 was used for making the wash buffer and pure ethanol. 0.4 gm, 0.6 gm, 0.8 gm of Tetracycline, MSG, BPA were dissolved in 100 ml of Double Distilled Water (DDW) to get 4%, 6% and 8% of concentration. Individual studies of samples were conducted using individual chemicals separately. Physical analysis of Semen: Semen sample were physically analysed after the liquefaction, and viscosity were checked by observing the droplets falling from a disposable plastic pipette. Vitality Staining: The semen sample was studied for the presence of any unwanted materials using vitality staining test. The sample was mixed and a smear was prepared on a glass slide along with eosin-nigrosin stain and was observed under the microscope at 100X magnification after the smear dried completely. The live sperm heads were seen white in colour while the dead sperm heads were stained as pink. Analysis of DNA fragmentation using the SCD Test: Slides precoated with 1% agarose were used as a base slide. Final concentration of 15-20 million sperms were mixed with 1% low melting point agarose overlaid onto base slide and covered with coverslip[21]. The slides were kept at 4 °C to get the gel solidified and later the coverslips were removed carefully. No reduction was observed, however minute reduction was there maintained with PBS. Chemicals of different concentrations i.e. 4%, 6%, and 8% (Tetracycline, MSG and BPA should be prepared freshly prior to the analysis). The slides were kept in these individual solution for time 1.5hrs and 3hrs respectively, study effect of heat was made by heating the agar mixed sample containing the slides of sperm the agar bath was heated at 45oC 55oC and 60oC. After the incubation period the slides were immediately removed and dipped in 0.08N HCl for 7minutes. The slides were then kept for Lysis in two cycles of 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes respectively. The slides were then washed with PBS buffer and dehydrated with 70%, 90% and 100% ethanol for 2minutes respectively. The slides were allowed to dry and are then observed under visible light using geimsa stain [5, 22]. RESULT Semen Analysis: The result of physical analysis of semen is as shown in Table 1. The semen samples studied were free of any contaminants and appeared normal. The pre and post wash count were also carried out which showed that the semen samples were perfectly healthy. The viscosity and the volume of each sample under study were within the normal range as suggested by the world health organisation standard. Analysis of DNA fragmentation using the SCD (Sperm Chromatin Dispersion) Test The SCD test carried out depict the effect of the chosen compounds on the sperm DNA which are represented as below. (A) Effect of Heat:- Sperm sample were subjected to heat treatment in water bath for 1.5 hrs at the temperature of 45oC and 55oC, where normal temperature of 28oC was used as control. The results are shown in fig 2.0. (B) Effect of Chemicals:-The studies were made on the percentage damage observed after chemical treatment to the sperm cells for 1.5 hrs and 3hrs of incubation time. Fig 3.0 and 4.0 depict the effect of tetracycline, BPA and MSG on sperm cells for 1.5 hrs and 3.0 hrs of incubation time respectively. Sperm cells without chemicals but buffer solution were taken as control. Various concentrations of chemicals viz, 4 – 8% was taken for the study. It was observed that tetracycline causes the maximum damage of about 92.4% after an incubation time 3hrs at 8% concentration, while the treatment with heat, monosodium glutamate and bisphenol exhibit a maximum damage of 55.6% at 55 °C, 55% and 44% respectively after an incubation time of 3hrs at 8% concentration. Table.1. Physical analysis of semen Fig.2.Effect of Heat Treatment on sperm cells Fig.3.Effect of Chemicals on sperm cells (incubation time 1.5h) Fig.4.Effect of Chemical on sperm cells (incubation time 3 h) Table.2.Anova Method DISCUSSION Statistical Data Analysis: The table 2.0 depicts below is the statistical representation of the data obtained after the SCD test. Anova test was applied using t-Test Software (Excel). It shows that the data obtained from the SCD are significant and valid. P=0.05, It was significant at 55 °C. Control groups are healthy individuals where sperm cells were preserved and treated at 28 °C without additive chemicals (MSG, BPA, and Tetracycline). Samples collected from the normal subjects. The table exhibit that F value of Tetracycline Bisphenol A and MSG are 22.24, 13.435 and 14.405 respectively the observation are significant Thus it can be said that the hypothesis given by the author is correct i.e. It was significant. Tetracycline gives a higher percentage of damage to the DNA of the sperm cells in vitro. Image Analysis of Damage after the Treatment The figures.5 (a to f) given were obtained after under a visible light observation. The figures below show the extent of damage caused by the treatment given to the cell after 3hrs of incubation. The halos seen represent the extent of damage i.e. large halos represent less damage while the cells without any halos represent the most damaged cell. The control slide cells have a normal halo around which depicts healthy DNA while the cells seen in tetracycline treated cells lack the halo which shows that the DNA of the sperm cells have been damaged to a greater extent. The slide treated with Bisphenol A shows a less amount of damaged cell in comparison to that of Tetracycline. The least damage has been in the sample treated at 45 °C shown by large halos around the cells. Hence from these figures it can be said that the tetracycline treatment produces the highest damage to the DNA of sperm cells. Fig.5.Image Analysis of Damage: a) Control Slide, b) Tetracycline at 8% concentration after 3hrs of incubation, c) Bisphenol A at 8% concentration after 3hrs of incubation, d) Monosodium Glutamate at 8% concentration after 3hrs of incubation , e) Effect of temperature at 45oC f) Effect of temperature at 55 °C CONCLUSION The study concludes that the drug tetracycline used for antibiotics for patients is proven to cause damage to the sperm DNA along with monosodium glutamate which is a flavour enhancing substance, as well as Bisphenol A which is a component of food packaging materials such as plastic bottles, feeder bottles etc. Though the exact mechanism by which the DNA is being affected is not known it can be said that exposing the sperm with the highest concentration of the above considered chemicals can be one of the many reasons which cause DNA damage which may lead to infertility in the present lifestyle. These observations also lead to conclude that the drug tetracycline is more effective then the others in causing fragmentation of the DNA and hence affecting its integrity. References 1.Agarwal, A. and T.M. Said, Role of sperm chromatin abnormalities and DNA damage in male infertility. Human Reproduction Update, 2003. 9(4): p. 331-345. 2.Ward, M.A. and W.S. Ward, A model for the function of sperm DNA degradation. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 2004. 16(5): p. 547-554. 3.Graham, C., Reproductive biology of the great apes: comparative and biomedical perspectives. 2012: Elsevier. 4.Gonzà ¡lez-Marà ­n, C., J. Gosà ¡lvez, and R. Roy, Types, causes, detection and repair of DNA fragmentation in animal and human sperm cells. International journal of molecular sciences, 2012. 13(11): p. 14026-14052. 5.Fernà ¡ndez, J.L., et al., The sperm chromatin dispersion test: a simple method for the determination of sperm DNA fragmentation. 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Friday, September 20, 2019

A Future Conservation Officer: Battling Physical Challenges :: Personal Narrative Career Essays

A Future Conservation Officer: Battling Physical Challenges The career that I would like to achieve is the one that I have dream of since my dad inspired me as a little boy. I have always wanted to be a conservation officer for northern Michigan. A conservation officer must be able to perform all the tasks set before him. Some of these are enforcing fish and wildlife laws, patrolling and protecting parks and forests, and maintaining the environment. For me as a dyslexic this makes learning and mean tanning a professional standard in the job field hard. This not only poses a physical challenge, it header’s my outlook on life. I not only see thing a different way also learn thing in a different way. For me I am an auditory, hands on learner. As conservation officer they should also be able communicate verbally and nonverbally with people and deal with high levels of pressure. In order for a conservation officer to be successful, that why I am here at like state delaying with my physical handicap. To reach these dreams here at lake state the computer technology is off the chats I have an hp laptop that I have software that I can read to me called read please and I can read to my computer with dragon. I also have a scanning pen that works great for homework and notes. I also got a digital tape recorder that will link to my computer and I can convent that in to typed later notes. The ORSC can get any and all books on tap for me and I can lessen to him instead of reading them with all the technology I can archive my goals her at lake state. I interviewed Casey Elliot from the Shiawasse Conservation Office. In his short time there, he said that he had learned that it was important to volunteer your time as a student. He graduated from Central Michigan University two years a go. He told me that prospective employers looked at his graduation records and if he had spent any time as a volunteer while attending college it would have helped his job chances. He talked a little about his job and what he does. He really does not have a typical day, but some days he walking farm fields to make sure that farmers are farming the land they claim to be farming. A Future Conservation Officer: Battling Physical Challenges :: Personal Narrative Career Essays A Future Conservation Officer: Battling Physical Challenges The career that I would like to achieve is the one that I have dream of since my dad inspired me as a little boy. I have always wanted to be a conservation officer for northern Michigan. A conservation officer must be able to perform all the tasks set before him. Some of these are enforcing fish and wildlife laws, patrolling and protecting parks and forests, and maintaining the environment. For me as a dyslexic this makes learning and mean tanning a professional standard in the job field hard. This not only poses a physical challenge, it header’s my outlook on life. I not only see thing a different way also learn thing in a different way. For me I am an auditory, hands on learner. As conservation officer they should also be able communicate verbally and nonverbally with people and deal with high levels of pressure. In order for a conservation officer to be successful, that why I am here at like state delaying with my physical handicap. To reach these dreams here at lake state the computer technology is off the chats I have an hp laptop that I have software that I can read to me called read please and I can read to my computer with dragon. I also have a scanning pen that works great for homework and notes. I also got a digital tape recorder that will link to my computer and I can convent that in to typed later notes. The ORSC can get any and all books on tap for me and I can lessen to him instead of reading them with all the technology I can archive my goals her at lake state. I interviewed Casey Elliot from the Shiawasse Conservation Office. In his short time there, he said that he had learned that it was important to volunteer your time as a student. He graduated from Central Michigan University two years a go. He told me that prospective employers looked at his graduation records and if he had spent any time as a volunteer while attending college it would have helped his job chances. He talked a little about his job and what he does. He really does not have a typical day, but some days he walking farm fields to make sure that farmers are farming the land they claim to be farming.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Teaching Status Report Essays -- Education JPE Teaching Teachers Essay

Teaching Status Report After the wondering, dreading, and preparing, I am teaching in a middle school classroom. I entered the school feeling very ready. After weeks of studying, discussing, and writing about topics related to teaching, I was ready to implement my learning. During my first week I started by simply observing my cooperating teacher. From this observation, I have formed many opinions and views on my teacher’s approaches to classroom management and other topics. In regards to classroom management and discipline, my cooperating teacher is a naturally confident and strong-minded individual. When he walks into a classroom, he commands attention and even his peers feel obligated to listen to his powerful voice. Due to this natural power, I believe my cooperating teacher does not feel he needs a set of classroom management rules. If a student misbehaves, my teacher singles out the student and verbally corrects him/her. The only other method of discipline I have seen him utilize is movi ng a student who was especially troubling. This form of classroom management and discipline appears to be effective for my cooperating teacher, however as I begin to take over the classroom I feel that this method will not work for me. While I do not see myself as someone who can be bullied, I do not think I have the natural aggressiveness to be able to simply use my voice and intimidation as my single form of discipline. I think when I have full control of the classroom I will ask my cooperating teacher what other forms of discipline can be used, such as detentions, extra homework, or possibly in school suspension. I feel if the students know that I will use these punishments if needed, they will respect me the same way they respe... ... aggressive and demanding but I finally said in a loud voice, â€Å"Excuse me, I don’t talk when you talk, so don’t talk when I talk.† I think the students were as surprised as I was to hear me speak in such a tone. However, they did listen and did not talk for the rest of the period. I left the classroom feeling empowered and now I am comfortable with correcting the class when they misbehave. These accomplishments are what keep me interested in teaching. I make mistakes and face many challenges, but each experience makes me stronger and helps me develop skills I did not think I could ever have. I guess the best way to summarize my JPE experience is so far so good. My love for teaching has not decreased and I can honestly say I experience a feeling of joy and excitement when I drive to my school everyday. Hopefully, my next status report will be as positive as this one.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Dr. Faustus Essay: The Tragic Downfall of Dr. Faustus -- Doctor Faust

The Tragic Downfall of Dr. Faustus Christopher Marlowe's play, its genre an English tragedy of the sixteenth century, presents the tragic conflict of the Faust theme in the tradition of medieval morality plays. The concepts of good and evil in these plays and their psychological implications reflect a historical background in which the church dominates the ethical and moral concepts of their time. Faustus defies society's norms and embraces the devil with courageous desperation, fully aware of the inevitable consequences, but incapable of being satisfied with his human limitations. The play is divided into five acts, each of them representing a progressive stage of Faustus' downfall, his moral and ethical decline. In the prologue preceeding the first act, which is written in the form of a poetic commentary, Faustus is allegorically compared to Ikarus, the Greek mythological figure, through the alliteration of "waxen wings" (Prologue line 20). Ikarus' actual flight represents symbolically Faustus' intellectual endeavors to unreached heights. The melting of Ikarus' wings find their parallel in Faustus' downfall and destruction. The language used, discloses hierarchical thought pattern: scholarly pursuits are high standing in value. The closeness to the sun that causes Ikarus' fall foreshadows Faustus' destruction and his desire to become like God. This reflects the pre-renaissance understanding of social order - people are to stay in their "God-given" place in society. But the image of Ikarus' death is also to be taken literal. "Heavens conspired his overthrow" (Prologue line 21) foretells Faustus' actual death while the blame for it is being placed scornfully and s... ...t of sin, "but Faustus, in hell is all manner of delight"(II,ii,179). The struggle between Faustus' superego/good angel and his id/bad angel continue throughout the play and the possibility of achieving a balance doesn't seem to exist. In the society of the sixteenth century repressive moral standards prohibited a possible balance between ethical demands and human passions, causing psychological traumas as the reader can observe it in this play. Society of this time, forcing their limited understanding of God on people, caused thinkers like Faust to lose their chance for a supernatural experience with God that could have solved their questions. It would take another two hundred years until in the period of Enlightenment a new Faust, created by Goethe, would retain his noble character and conquer with reason the trivial attempts of Mephistopheles.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Chpt 24

Chpt 24 guide questions 1. To what extent was industrialization responsible for the deplorable conditions of the cities in the early 19th century? The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes that occurred in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. It was causing carelessness in the city and lead to more and dusty pollution from all the work which was required to be put in. This transition included going from hand production methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes which had led to this happening. . Who was Edwin Chadwick? What role did he play in the public health movement? Edwin Chadwick was an English social reformer, noted for his work to reform the Poor Laws and improve sanitary conditions and public health. He helped sanitize the areas and basically make them a lot cleaner and just plainly better to live in at the time. For he did not feel that sanitation was a big joke. Sanitization was c learly Chadwick’s main focus at the time. 3. What was the miasmatic theory of disease? How did it retard progress?The miasmic theory of disease was a theory that disease was caused by bad odors. it prevented the proper treatment of disease and scientific and medical development in the right direction. It did though lead to shorter not harder process of such with many problems coming form it. The miasmic theory would not very much be considered a failure in way though. 4. What contributions did Pasteur, Koch, and Lister make to life in urban Europe? Pasteur’s theory that germs caused disease helped the advancement of medical sciences and led to the breakthrough of vaccines.Koch helped discover the organism that caused disease and it helped create vaccines. Lister helped develop the idea of cleaning wounds. All these contributions lead to progress in Europe. 5. What were the reasons for the rebuilding of Paris? Who was responsible for this change? After the revolutions o f 1848, Paris was transformed into a spectacle city. The urban planning of Haussmann greatly contributed to the developmental planning of Paris. The development of newly planned streets, parks and sewage systems helped to create a more efficient and advanced city.This lead too many rebuilding have to happen in Europe at this time which could be considered very well. 6. Why was the electric streetcar so important in improving urban life? Electric steel cars are a self-powered rail vehicle which runs on tracks along public urban streets and also sometimes on separate rights of way. Electric streetcars revolutionized urban life and enabled the cities to expand because they allowed for faster and more efficient travel and sparked new revolutions in technology. 7.Marx claimed that as a result of industrialization there was an increasing polarization of society Into rich and poor. Do the facts warrant such a conclusion? Marx’s ideas that industrialization caused a greater increase in the gap between the rich and the poor was correct because the jobs available for the poor required little skill, bad conditions and had little pay. It spread the gap between the two classes because it allowed for the upper classes to be favored over the lower classes and for them to manipulate the income of money in their favor. 8.Describe the differences and similarities between groups within the middle class. What separated and what united them? The middle class was separated into the bourgeoisie, hardworking business owners with money, potentially land and potentially political power, and the working middle class who had trades and more money than peasants but didn’t have land or political power and less money than the bourgeoisie. They were united by the need to overthrow the monarchists and the absolutist rulers and separated by the bourgeoisie’s power and money and the lower middle class’s occupation with food. . Describe the â€Å"labor aristocracy. à ¢â‚¬  What were the interests of its members? How did they differ from the rest of the working class? The labor aristocracy was a group of talented workers that had strong moral, political and ohilisophical beliefs and were the â€Å"leaders† of the working class. They were all very focused on succeeding Europe and becoming very successful with all their working times. 10. What were the interests, motives, and lifestyle of the working class? How were they changing by the late nineteenth century?The working class was focused on feeding their family and leisure activities. It changed throughout the 19th century because many working class people began to wane away from the church and become less focused on religion. The ideas of life were vey much chinaging at this time. 11. Why was there a decline in illegitimacy after 1850? There was a decline in illegitimacy after 1850 because the working class became more stable. Families began to develop more and more and there was more ec onomic stability so marriage was a more viable situation. 12. M 3. How common was prostitution in the nineteenth century? Prostitution was â€Å"frowned upon† on the surface but was very popular for men because they married later in life. It was very secret because it was disrespectable but it was extremely common. people would bever be looked at the same way if they were to ever act in such of a messed up way. 14. What was the social and economic position of women in the nineteenth century? Were they better off than in preindustrial society? Women were put into the home to be a wife and a mother, and nothing else.It was frowned upon for them to be anything other than that, i. e. to have an actual career. If women did work, it was lower class women and they worked in harsh conditions like factories. In the cities, they were often worse off than in preindustrialized Europe because the jobs in rural areas were safer and more open to women, whereas in the cities job opportunitie s were slim to none. 15. what changes occurred in child care and the attitudes toward children in the nineteenth century? What was the nineteenth-century view of masturbation?Children and parents became much closer and they began to connect, partly due to the decreasing birth rate, which was because of the disappearance of the need for children to work. Children’s education and upbringing became much more important. Often, children were smothered, especially in the case of sexual nature. Masturbation was a fear of parents and was highly frowned upon. 16. Overall, did family life improve in the nineteenth century? Explain. For some, yes and for others no. For the lower class it didn’t improve because the living conditions because of factory work were so poor.For middle and upper class families’ life improved because they became economically stable and could support, educate and provide for their family. 17. What was the realist movement in literature? Who were th e major writers of this movement, and how did they differ from previous writers? Realism stressed that environment and heredity determined human behavior. They believed in natural laws and they wrote about natural and taboo subjects. Major writers were Zola, Balzac and Flaubert in France and MaryAnn Evans in Britain, Tolstoy in Russia and Dreiser in America. They’re genetic material was different from that of other writers.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Analyze the different Operational Management (OM) perspective of Walmart Essay

Analyze the different Operational Management (OM) perspective of Walmart. Identify the following by writing a paper (with paragraphs, including an introductory, body, and concluding section): 1) The organization’s name and main line of business, 2) A specific type of operations process that takes place there (either service or product), 3) Describe the nature of the operations given your newfound understanding of operations management and productivity. 4) You may identify the strategy or global strategy of that organization. Turn in your one to two page paper by the Module due date. Walmart Stores, Inc. or Walmart is an American public corporation that runs a chain of large, discount department stores. It is the world’s largest public corporation by revenue, Founded by Sam Walton in 1962, it was incorporated on October 31, 1969, and listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1972. It is the largest private employer in the world and the fourth largest utility or commercial employer. Walmart is the largest grocery retailer in the United States, with an estimated 20% of the retail grocery and consumables business. It also owns and operates the North American company, Sam’s club. The operations that take place in Walmart are specifically related to products. Walmart has a systematic approach to conducting its operations. It is able to understand the issues and problems to be studied, measures of performances to be established and uses scientific and analytical tools to develop effective and efficient solutions to the problems at hand. Irrespective of the nature of organization and the activities it performs every organization needs to incorporate marketing finance and human resources activities to its operations. This operation process is the conversion process. These four forms the basic functions of any organisation.and are mutually interactive.oerations come at the core of every organizational activity and bind the functional areas together. Productivity and efficiency of work is determined by an efficient system of operations. Hence operations forms are very important process of work flow and .corporate level strategies must first be made and then translated into operational strategies. Operation management functions encompass product  design and development, process design, location and layout of facilities, capacity planning, forecasting, production planning and control, supply chain management, maintenance management and continued improvement in operations. The strategy of Walmart is to extend its products to every possible household and make every product available to the common man through its wide network of stores all over the USA.the strategy is also to provide empowerment and work to as many people as it can and make the supply chain management a very safe and profitable process. it gets its groceries from unknown and untapped resources thereby making it a virtual assembly house of varied manufactured products. Project 2 Consider Wal-Mart. Integrate the concepts and operations management principles that you’ve been studying in this module and turn in your one to two page paper addressing the following questions: How project management influence other departments and functions of this organization (i.e., marketing, finance, accounting, human resources, etc.)? What are the difficulties or limitations for implementing PERT and CRM in the organization? Operations are a key functional area in an organization. Irrespective of the activities and the type of business every organization has few important activities to perform. This encompasses operations, marketing, finance and human resources management. Operations pertain to managing the conversion process in an organization. The marketing function is concerned with understanding the requirements of the customers cresting a demand for the products and services and satisfying the customer requirements by delivering the right product and services to the customers at the right time. In order to perform the various activities pertaining to operations and marketing finance is needed for tapping the market for funds and managing the working capital. These activities constitute the finance function. Every organization employs a number of people with varied skills background and work requirements. Managing the workforce and addressing a host of issues related to them is called human resources management.hrence these four form the basic functions of any organization The basic functions of an organization. The four functions have mutual interactions between them. The decisions  taken in each of these functional areas could form an important input in another functional area. Typically, organizations begin their yearly plan with the marketing function of estimating next year’s sales. This input forms the basis for production planning, procurement planning and all these lead to certain estimate of the funds required. This forms an important input for the finance function.wjhile planning has such a sequence of information flows and interactions at the time of executions interactions are even more. The HRM function influences the productive capacity of manpower available in real time the actual production of gods influences the marketing activity to be undertaken and the quantum and timing of funds available from sales. Hence project management influences every department in an organization. It is difficult to implement PERT because it is a product industry and as such Pert is normally suited to a service industry of where there are many projects taking off Walmart being primarily a goods industry does not require PERT. Customer Relationship management is a though study by the organization of the customer behavior and relationship. Walmart’s customer base is so huge that it seems impossible to maintain a CRM of that size. Furthermore the customer is from varied backgrounds and Walmart will not have any use for this. It becomes very expensive to initialize something like this for the size of Walmart. Project 3 At the Hard Rock Cafe, like many organizations, project management is a key planning tool. With Hard Rock’s constant growth in hotels and cafes, remodeling of existing cafes, scheduling for Hard Rock Live concert and event venues, and planning the annual Rockfest, managers rely on project management techniques and software to maintain schedule and budget performance. â€Å"Without Microsoft Project,† says Hard Rock Vice-President Chris Tomasso, â€Å"there is no way to keep so many people on the same page.† Tomasso is in charge of the Rockfest event, which is attended by well over 100,000 enthusiastic fans. The challenge is pulling it off within a tight 9-month planning horizon. As the event approaches, Tomasso devotes greater energy to its activities. For the first 3 months, Tomasso updates his MS Project charts monthly. Then at the 6-month mark, he updates his progress weekly. At the 9- month mark, he checks and corrects his schedule twice a  week. Early in the project management process, Tomasso identifies 10 major tasks (called level 2 activities in a work breakdown structure, or WBS):†  talent booking, ticketing, marketing/PR, online promotion, television, show production, travel, sponsorships, operations, and merchandising. Using a WBS, each of these is further divided into a series of subtasks. The following table identifies 26 of the major activities and subactivities, their immediate predecessors, and time estimates. Tomasso enters all of these into the MS Project software. Tomasso alters the MS Project document and the time line as the project progresses. â€Å"It’s okay to change it as long as you keep on track,† he states. The day of the rock concert itself is not the end of the project planning. â€Å"It’s nothing but surprises. A band not being able to get to the venue because of traffic jams is a surprise, but an ‘anticipated’ surprise. We had a helicopter on stand-by ready to fly the band in,† says Tomasso. On completion of Rockfest in July, Tomasso and his team have a 3-month reprieve before starting the project planning process again. Please turn in a paper of one to two pages (page counting does not include cover and reference list) discussing the following questions, The critical path is A-D-E-F-G-O The project completion time is 34 weeks. 2. Identify some major challenges a project manager faces in events such as this one. To plan thoroughly all aspects of the project, soliciting the active involvement of all functional areas involved, in order to obtain and maintain a realistic plan that satisfies their commitment for performance. To control the organization of manpower needed by the project To control the basic technical definition of the project, ensuring that â€Å"technical† versus â€Å"cost† trade-offs determine the specific areas where optimisation is necessary. To lead the people and organizations assigned to the project at any given point in time. Strong positive leadership must be exercised in order to keep the many disparate elements moving in the same direction in a co-operative. To monitor performance, costs and efficiency of all elements of the project and the project as a whole, exercising judgement and leadership in determining the causes of problems and facilitating solutions To complete the project on schedule and within costs, these being the overall standard by which performance of the project manager is evaluated. Project 4 Global firms like Regal Marine know that the basis for an organization’s existence is the good or service it provides society. Great products are the keys to success. With hundreds of competitors in the boat business, Regal Marine must work to differentiate itself from the flock. Regal continuously introduces innovative, high-quality new boats. Its differentiation strategy is currently reflected in a product line consisting of 22 models. But why must Regal Marine constantly worry about designing new boats? The answer is that every product has a life cycle. Products are born. They live and they die. As Figure 5.1 shows, a product’s life cycle can be divided into four phases: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. Figure 5.2 shows the four life cycle stages and the relationship of product sales, costs, and profit over the life cycle of a product. When Regal is developing a new model boat, it typically has a negative cash flow. If the boat is successful, those losses may be recovered and yield a profit prior to its decline. The life cycle for a successful Regal boat is three to five years. To maintain this stream of innovative new products, Regal constantly seeks design input from customers, dealers, and consultants. Design ideas rapidly find themselves in Regal’s styling studio, where Computer Aided Design (CAD) technology speeds the development process. A Regal design engineer can start with a rough sketch or even just an idea and use the graphic display power of CAD as a drafting board to construct the geometry of the new boat. The CAD system helps the designer determine engineering data such as the strength, dimensions, or weight. It also allows the designer to be sure all parts will fit together. Existing boat designs are always evolving as the company tries to stay stylish and competitive. Moreover, with life cycles so short, a steady stream of new products is required. A few years ago, the new product was the 3-passenger $11,000 Rush, a small, but powerful boat capable of pulling a water-skier. The next year, it was a 20-foot inboard-outboard performance boat with so many innovations that it won prize after prize in the industry. Then it was a redesigned 42-foot Commodore that sleeps six in luxury staterooms. With all these models and innovations, Regal designers  and production personnel are under pressure to respond quickly. By getting key suppliers on board early and urging them to participate at the design stage, Regal improves both innovations and quality while speeding product development. Regal finds that the sooner it brings suppliers on board, the faster it can bring new boats to the market. The first stage in actual production is the creation of the â€Å"plug,† a foam-based carving used to make the molds for fiberglass hulls and decks. Specifications from the CAD system drive the carving process. Once the plug is carved, the permanent molds for each new hull and deck design are formed. Molds take about 4-8 weeks to make and are all handmade. Similar mold s are made for many of the other features in Regal boats–from galley and stateroom components to lavatories and steps. Finished molds can be joined and used to make thousands of boats. Please turn in a paper of one to two pages (page counting does not include cover and reference list) discussing the following questions, 1. How does the concept of product life cycle apply to Regal Marine products? 2. What strategy does Regal use to stay competitive? 3. What kind of benefits are Regal achieving by using CAD technology rather than traditional drafting techniques? Project 4 The product life cycle that applies to regal marine products is new boats every three to five years. To be competitive every boat that is manufactured has four stages .the introduction and the design conceptualization is the most important stage. Once the design has been conceptualized it becomes easy to transfer the design into an acceptable model through the CAD models. Then it is introduced into the market’. The innovations and the new design boats help the market and it grows fast that the entire market is full of the new design boats from regal marines. This is the maturity stage of the boat life cycle. Every boat lover has a new boat design of regal marines and then the stagnation starts and the sales of boat decline gradually at first and then very quickly. this is a sure sign that the life cycle of the new design is coming to an end and obsoletion has set in .if this is not tackled then the firm will be incurring losses on more production. So this is an  indication t hat regal marines have to start looking for another new design to replace the one that in just going out of vogue. Regal marines’ competitive strategy is right from the customers themselves. Every design and thought that goes into making boats comes from the customers themselves. The customer’s suppliers and designers are all together in the studio of the regal marines while designing a new boat of enhancing features of existing models. This allows for regal marines to feel the pulse of the market and also help in setting in trends and innovations. Since every product is manufactured and customized as per customer design and style this helps regal marines to bring in the right edge to the sale and product and allows it to stay competitive. The brand of Boats from regal marines sells because there is always something new to every boat that is introduced in the market. Regal marine’s product development cell has a good combination of suppliers too. It uses the suppliers input in the design stage by urging them to participate in the design drafting process. This helps in speedin g up the initial design process. While competitors lose out on time regal marines is able to capitalize on time. Regal finds that the sooner it brings suppliers on board, the faster it can bring new boats to the market this competitive strategy also allows for competitive pricing with enhanced features. This is the gaining advantage that regal marines have. The traditional drafting method needs precision and perfection and usually takes some days to design. The prototype of the design cannot be seen unless the drawing is fully complete. This is not so in the case of Cad. if a few necessary dimensions are given and the shape chosen the CAD design engineers can bring out hundreds of designs of the prototype and improving upon the concept as the design proceeds. This is the greatest advantage of CAD designing. Improvements can go along simultaneously. This is not only faster but innovative too. The errors that arise out of human calculations and design lengths can be avoided though computer designing. The parts of the design can be fitted redesigned and reengineered based of specifications and new inputs. This allows for innovations and new concepts. The CAD also gives suggestions for new designs which can be improved upon. Styles and engineering models can be used to stay ahead of others. This is the greatest advantage of The CAD over tra ditional patterns of design. The CAD allows regal marine engineers to be constantly under pressure to bring in  innovations in boat design and models. This also has led to improving the efficiency of Regal marine product service lines. Project 5 Consider Wal-Mart. Integrate the concepts and operations management principles that you’ve been studying in this module and turn in your one to two page paper addressing the following questions: 1) How product design is applied in decision-making of that organization? 2) Can you describe a Product Life Cycles in the organization? 3) How different Issues for Product Development are applied in the organization? Project 5 Walmart a premier Grocery store and the largest chain store in the USA has been constantly striving to improve its product design. In the design of a consumer product not only is the manufactured cost of interest, but also the quality of the product delivered and how well the product meets customer expectations is studied. Walmart has been able to sustain this competitive advantage by staying ahead of others in designing delivering products in new fashion Walmart product can be distinguished just by design and packaging. Products sold by Walmart have measurable and non measurable attributes too hence both these have to consider while preparing a design plan for its products. Cost is a very important attribute of product design. a key decision making process is the constitution of cost. Walmart has been tagged as the cost price sop or a friendly shop. Having scored on this advantage Walmart needs to design its product and decide on the most important factor of cost. Many of the decisions regarding cost and quality are made in the preliminary design stage where the design engineers and the cost engineers sit together to make a workable proposition keeping the corporate strategy in mind. Hence these two put together deliver a product that can be afford by a maximum number of people. Since the consumer market is a fast changing one no product design can be kept constant for long. there is great uncertainty regarding this hence this decision of whether to stick to same design or keeping changing the design as per consumer preferences is a decision that has to be taken promptly so that products can have the delivery value. Too much newness and change may also lead to undesirable results sometimes. Where there is a degree of uncertainty in design  performance levels, customer preferences, and even in the goals for the design itself have to change immediately so that the product reaches the shelves with the newness that is anticipated from every Walmart store. The Walmart’s products are fast-moving consumer goods and durables and groceries which have short shelf lives. The product life cycles of products at Walmart are varying from 2 months to 2 years. That is why it is called a FMCG sector. Even before a product has been introduced it become out of fashion and obsolete. Such products life cycle is very short and these products will not be able to bring in that competitive advantage to Walmart. Most of the products that Walmart deals have short PLCs. even before the growth rate starts the decline set in. this call for continuous product improvement and great innovations in product life cycle management. Every product here has a tangible attribute and consumers want that attribute in every new product line. This is a challenge that Walmart has been continually striving for. Walmart’s issues of product development are many and are challenging to the very existence of this chain stores. The issues are generated not only from managing the wide variety of products but continually striving for error generating highest customer satisfaction. The watchword of product development is innovation. The market place is so crowded that unless Walmart caters to this it cannot sustain in the market. It keeps innovation as the watchword every customer need has to be met and new initiatives have to be optimized to meet the needs of the ever changing consumer market. This is critical to the success of any product development agenda. An ideal marketing mix should be approached by the organization so that product development is optimized. This would help in sustaining the advantage of product development issues. Project 6 The Arnold Palmer Hospital (APH) in Orlando, Florida, is one of the busiest and most respected hospitals for the medical treatment of children and women in the U.S. Since its opening on golfing legend Arnold Palmer’s birthday September 10, 1989, more than 1.5 million children and women have passed through its doors. It is the fourth busiest labor and delivery hospital in the U.S. and the largest neonatal intensive care unit in the Southeast. And APH ranks fifth out of 5,000 hospitals nationwide in patient satisfaction.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Part of the reason for APH’s success,† says Executive Director Kathy Swanson, â€Å"is our continuous improvement process. Our goal is 100% patient satisfaction. But getting there means constantly examining and reexamining everything we do, from patient flow, to cleanliness, to layout space, to colors on the walls, to speed of medication delivery from the pharmacy to a patient. Continuous improvement is a huge and never-ending task.† One of the tools the hospital uses consistently is the process flowchart. Staffer Diane Bowles, who carries the â€Å"Clinical Practice Improvement Consultant,† charts scores of processes. Bowles’s flowcharts help study ways to improve the turnaround of a vacated room (especially important in a hospital that has operated at 130% of capacity for years), speed up the admission process, and deliver warm meals warm. Lately, APH has been examining the flow of maternity patients (and their paperwork) from the moment they enter the hospital until they are discharged, hopefully with their healthy baby a day or two later. The flow of maternity patients follows these steps: 1. Enter APH’s Labor & Delivery check-in desk entrance. 2. If the baby is born en route or if birth is imminent, the mother and baby are taken by elevator and registered and admitted directly at bedside. They are then taken to a Labor & Delivery Triage room on the 8th floor for an exam. If there are no complications, the mother and baby go to step 6. 3. If the baby is not yet born, the front desk asks if the mother is preregistered. (Most do preregister at the 28–30-week pregnancy mark). If she is not, she goes to the registration office on the first floor. 4. The pregnant woman is taken to Labor & Delivery Triage on the 8th floor for assessment. If she is ready to deliver, she is taken to a Labor & Delivery (L&D) room on the 2nd floor until the baby is born. If she is not ready, she goes to step 5. 5. Pregnant women not ready to deliver (i.e., no contractions or false alarm) are either sent home to return on a later date and reenter the system at that time, or if contractions are not yet close enough, they are sent to walk around the hospital grounds (to encourage progress) and then return to Labor & Delivery Triage at a prescribed time. 6. When the baby is born, if there are no complications, after 2 hours the mother and baby are transferred to a â€Å"mother-baby care unit† room on floors 3, 4, or 5 for an average of 40–44 hours. 7. If there are complications with the mother, she goes to an operating room and/or intensive care unit. From there, she goes back to a mother–baby care room upon stabilization — or is discharged at another time if not stabilized. Complications for the baby may result in a stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) before transfer to the baby nursery near the mother’s room. If the baby cannot be stabilized for discharge with the mother, the baby is discharged later. 8. Mother and/or baby, when ready, are discharged and taken by wheelchair to the discharge exit for pickup to travel home. Please turn in a paper of one to two pages (page counting does not include cover and reference list) discussing the following questions, 1. As Diane’s new assistant, you need to flowchart this process. Explain how the process might be improved once you have completed the chart. 2. If a mother is scheduled for a Caesarean-section birth (i.e., the baby is removed from the womb surgically), how would this flowchart change? 3. If all mothers were electronically (or manually) preregistered, how would the flowchart change? Redraw the chart to show your changes. 4. Describe in detail a process that the hospital could analyze, besides the ones mentioned in this case. Project 6 Staffer Diane Bowles is the â€Å"Clinical Practice Improvement Consultant,† who charts scores of processes. Her inputs are very important for efficient room processes and admission processes. As Diane’s assistant I would first acquaint myself with the flow of Diana’s flowchart. I would take a few days to study the various inputs and the process flows. Once this is done then I could suggest improvements if any. I feel that there is only place where  there is a scope for improvement. This would also help in getting the rooms vacated on time without the prospect of waiting for rooms to be vacated. I would not initiate any changes because the flow chart of processes has been very successful and critical to the 130% capacity of the operational levels of the hospitals’ only would like to improve upon the levels of floors of the various units. The process as such is maintained very well but the floors on which facilities for labor wards for operations and normal delivery are scattered and in case of any emergency the patient has to be shifted many times up and down. This not only wastes critical time but also man power. I suggest that the seventh and the eight floors be exclusively used as labor wards and operation theaters and the rest of th4 floors be used in any order convenient for doctors’ nurses and other therapists. A mother who is expected to be operated upon needs to jump from process 1 to 7 without any intervening steps. the process 7 would become step 2 as the mother has already registered and ready for the cesarean .then step 6 could be followed the mother and child sent to the ante natal care and then step 8 .in process flow chart for a mother who is to be operated upon. she need not go through any other step as it is not required. Pre-registration should become mandatory fro all expectant mothers. Then the order of the flowchart would change with step 3 becoming step 1 and step 322 and others following each other. There should be no instant admission process .since all mothers are treated only by this hospital doctors pre-registration must become compulsory. That way the no of patients and mothers to be admitted for delivery on any particular day can be assessed and particularly over crowded seasons can be studied and staff arranged for emergencies. A process for a hospital specializing in obstetrics and child birth could be as follows: 1. Expectant mothers to pre register with the hospital either manually of electronically in the 30th week of pregnancy. 2. The registration number to be produced during time of admission with doctor’s diagnosis. 3,. If the mother is due for a cesarean, admission should take place before 6 hours and the mother should be taken to floor 7 for preoperative care and then proceed to step 6 4. If the mother is due for normal delivery and the birth of the child can happen any time, the mother and baby are taken by elevator and registered and admitted directly at bedside. They are then taken to a Labor & Delivery Triage room on the 8th floor for an exam. If there are no  complications, the mother and baby go to step 6. 5. If the mother has still some more time for delivery she is asked to go around the hospital till the contractions start and then goes to step 6. 6. The mother is taken to the labor ward and after successful child birth she goes to the mother and child ward and then to step 7 7. After observation and mother and child found healthy they are discharged and then to step 9 8. if the mother is found healthy and the child is found not fit enough to be discharged the child is taken to the natal care centre and the mother goes to step 9. 9. The mother and baby discharged with dates vie fro the next check up with post natal care dates. . Project 7 Consider Walmart. Integrate the concepts and operations management principles that you’ve been studying in this module and turn in your one to two page paper addressing the following questions : 1) What process strategy (form the four process strategies) is applied in that organization? 2) Where is the headquarter (or distribution center) of the organization? Are there any benefits locating there? If you could choose, where would you choose? Project 7 The process strategy is also called the job shop process. The process focus at Walmart is basically strategized around the low volume low variety type. The goods that are sold in Walmart are a large variety of goods with small quantities on the shelf. If one goes through the Walmart shelves it is noticeable that there are hundreds of varieties of goods of all types and brands but one can never buy in bulk just because Walmart does not stock them in bulk. It is not categorized as a bulk store but a retail chain store. The facilities of each department starting from the procurement to delivery are all specific processes and are organized around specific activities. Every activity is done in a specialized way by the department and process concerned. There is heavy centralization of process leading to  high execution times and perfection in operations. The procurement department is centralized with a specialists working on processes and jobs. The store stocks goods according to the eve r changing demands of the customers so the product range at Walmart is highly flexible. The stores allows for product flexibility. Since majority of the work of disbursement and product stocking is done manually the store incurs heavy cost on distribution. Except for billing and inventory every other activity is manually done. This leads not only to heavy man power requirement but also lot of human errors that cannot be avoided. This makes way for repetitions and sometimes high levels of inefficiencies. Because of the high manual work the sophisticated machines are seldom used and are all put in cold storage. To show that the store is organized around the latest technology the machines have been ordered and put in place but they are neither used nor automated. This calls for idle cost. Another main characteristic of the Walmart chain stores are the varying product flows making planning and scheduling a challenge. It is very difficult to estimate in advance the flow of a product during a week in advance. this calls for either over stocking a product or non availability o f the product hence the floor manager‘s job of stocking the right quantity during the time of demand becomes a challenge. This is the most difficult part of the process flow in Walmart. The work processes are very unique in the sense that one cannot apply any strategy of operations management and organization behavior here. The assembly process is also a challenge for every department of Walmart. The Walmart chain stores are headquartered at Bentonville, Benton County, Arkansas, 72716. The reason for having the headquarters there is quite obvious because it was here that Sam Walton opened the company’s first discount store in 1962.the original store is now a tourist spot. This small town has not only a big store but all offices of Walmart including the corporate office here. There could be no benefits here except having a sentimental value to having the head office near the original store. Since theses are the corporate offices and do not actually carry out operations of sully chain and procurement it does not matter. This headquarters is management office as all other Walmart stores operate on their own through centralized market pool. Hence procurement and distribution is done through the local stores but decisions regarding corporate policies are excused from the headquarters. I would choose the same. References: – P